Tuesday, January 25, 2005

ditching school

ditching school
i decided to ditch school today. we only have one subject at AS today which would last for about an hour and a half and it's not until 4pm. there's even a 65 percent chance the prof's not going to be there. besides, the time it would take me to go to school would be much longer than the time it would take me to sit in class and pretend to listen. now where's the logic in that? heck, it didn't even take* me much time to decide.

i have been extremely lazy/sedentary lately (despite having attended two PE sessions now). i don't know... maybe it's the weather or the gazillion other reasons i have come up with to justify my utter laziness. you know how they say lazy people are the scum of the earth... i don't want to be scum! now, i just hate myself for being so friggin lethargic.

plus +++, i hate this humanities class we have. we're doing poetry now. sheesh it's not my fault i have not been born with any artistic capability whatsoever and it's clearly not my fault i don't get poetry!!! to add to the insult, we were cursed to do this poetry reading thing in class. great. just great.

that's it for now.

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