Wednesday, February 22, 2006


the problem with you people, is that you think everything is implied when it's clearly NOT!

Friday, February 03, 2006

visitation of the gods

visitation of the gods
well, it just came to me. nothing particularly interesting happens nowadays. i mean like something totally different. im not quite sure if that's good or not. but in a few minutes we'll be seeing the president of India (i don't know his name). he came to visit the college and everyone's prim and proper presence is required. actually the college has been preparing for weeks. and i mean really preparing. for one, the college was repainted with a peach and terracotta tinge, giving it a warmer tone now. classes in the college have been suspended today. library services are temporary unvailable. and we were required to come in base uniform and be there, seated at the auditorium at exactly 4.30 pm. bags not allowed. everyone was instructed to address mr. Indian president as "His Excellency" when the situation calls for it.
the president of India has come and will supposedly grace us in all his Indian presence. i don't know why he came to our college. we were told they're interested in our brand of nursing, that they're interested to know of our curriculum (yah, we're that good). i'm just not sure what the president has got to do with that.

anyway, i take it back. something interesting is happening today. :)

happy birthday

happy birthday
i therefore conclude, birthdays are a cruel invention. why do they have to give me one day, then afterwards send me back to the pits? when it takes approximately 24 hours to absorb the rather good feeling and the idea of you being another year older to actually sink in.

birthdays are actually a good excuse for anything. you want to shop on impulse, tell them it's your birthday. want to binge? it's your birthday. want to have a hair cut? it's your birthday. want to get drunk? it's your birthday. hangover? it's your birthday. want to throw tantrums? it's your birthday. diarrhea? it's your birthday. there's still no excuse for constipation, but for everything else it's your birthday. what could be a better excuse than that?

but no really.
in reality, people don't give a sh*t if it's your birthday. sure you temporarily earn certain privileges, but the world goes on raining on your parade.

Happy Birthday
there's a reason why "Happy Birthday" seems to be compulsary,
why every body wishes birthdays to be happy...
because they aren't in the first place.
indeed, you only wish for things you don't have.