Sunday, December 31, 2006

boom, crash, bang

lessons i learned in 2006:

1. the world wouldn't stop with death. it will mourn but it will move on.

2. health is wealth. multivitamins and vaccines are the best investments.

3. what goes up, must come crashing 23 storeys down.

4. passion, is what makes a person. and i have yet to find mine...

5. if you want to know sanity, try visiting the psych ward.

6. letting go is better said than done.

7. forever... maybe. but friends growing apart and drifting away- now that's a cold, hard fact.

8. the purity and innocence of a child is priceless. they can, without bias, recognize which really are "matters of consequence".

9. love and hate is actually divided by a very thin and fragile line.

10. what you see is different from what is.

11. something about being on time... but then again, maybe not!

12. the person i want to be and the person people expect me to become tears me apart.

13. not everyone understands. but some try.

14. i would like to believe i'm just being judgemental for fun.

15. you can't expect everyone to like you (or what you do) so live with it.

16. there are some people you just don't like. they get on your nerves just by mere existence. and when they talk, all hell breaks loose... at least in your head. so take my word for it: it takes less energy to walk away.

17. what you say may be different from what you mean. so don't flatter.

18. you can navigate the net without understanding a word. proof?-- try this

19. sometimes, people can be self-centered b*tches.

20. i still have a lot to learn. the real world scares me. it takes more than an academic bachelor's degree to face the world head on.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

new template

do you like/hate my new updo? please leave comments...

will be coming up with posts as soon as i finish our research proposal!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

christmas rush

christmas rush
most people in my circle would agree that Christmas has been less assertive this year. for a number of reasons i suppose. for one, as people grow older (admit it, senesence is inevitable) Christmas seems to be a lot less Christmas-sy. for another, last minute requirements seem to pile up and drown us all with deadlines so that we forget to notice Christmas. and yearly, i guess, more and more people, at least just in our subdivision, do not bother with Christmas decors anymore. it's sad, if you come to think of it.

i just finished my holiday shopping today and a word for the wise: never ever do your christmas shopping with minis, tank tops or flip flops unless you want to end up freezing your way through the frickin' mall. gahd i nearly got frostbites, seriously... anyways, hope you guys are enjoying the break. as for me, christmas break remains to be inexistent. darn.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

definitely back but not quite

definitely back but not quite
yes, i'm back and i have missed a lot of things. my bloggy's third birthday for one. so before anything else;
and here's to many more out-of-this-world moments :p
i'll be redoing my template as soon as I get out of the toxicity of my last semester in college (woohoo!) and that is in, say, 5 months at the latest. but don't worry bloggy, i'll get it done. i promise.
i hear a friend is willing to do my template?? i hope its for free. otherwise,what are friends are for? hehe.
so there, sorry if this is in thought salad fashion. but then again, who cares?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

another useless post

well, here's another pointless post. here's my first try on creating vectors out of pictures. hehe.
this is my friend tin as a winking vector fairy :)
and this is me. yikes! :p

Friday, October 20, 2006

yearbook layouts

yearbook layouts

in my defense

in my defense
funerals strike the most peculiar chords. well for one, i do not know how to react... or i choose not to. i'm not used to hysteria and crying (at least in funerals) is not my thing, even if i wanted it to be. no, im not holding it in. guilt settles and i decide maybe i am just not the good friend i think i am. then suddenly, everybody wants to be my therapist.
soon enough, my friends became class A diagnosticians. ah...what a twisted world.

a word from the wise: everybody deals differently. although i am devastated by the untimely demise of a dear friend, i am incapable of utter melancholia. now, quit discussing my so-called dissociative ego and let's get on with our lives. call it denial and hell, maybe i am denying it, but for now, i just refuse to believe Freudian psychoanalysis.

on another note,somehow it occurs to me that as much as death is inevitable it is not the ultimate end but our rite of passage to eternity. yet we do not always expect the Grim Reaper to send us a notice of eviction everytime. sometimes, with reasons beyond our human capacities, it just happens. what's sad i guess, is the realization that in one way or another, just as the song goes, everyone who lives will someday die... and die alone.

and what finally becomes of those who are left here to live? sadness... yes. regrets, guilt... probably. nostalgia... definitely. and all that's left are the memories and the promise that if we learn to dwell on today, tomorrow as our time comes we will look back on a life well lived.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


well, in case you haven't noticed, i have been on a blogging hiatus lately. not that it is of my choice really, but psych is taking up all my time and energy (and this is an understatement). plus, miranda priestly just got into my life. so much so that i have been constantly moody these past few days... er... weeks.

i'll be blogging a longer post soon. promise :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006



this was one of our patients at burn. the angel had an electrical burn accident in his tushie. how sad :c

Sunday, August 06, 2006

it's when you have much that you are expected to give...

it's when you have much that you are expected to give...

an unexpected turn of events happened this week. you expect the best just because the worst scares the hell out of you. the best offers much hope that everything will get better...sooner. and i guess when it comes to that, we are all on the same boat.

...and it is when you have much that giving is hardest.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006



it couldn't be any better than this.

i ditched school to actually savor my week off. plus, i didn't feel like sitting through an hour and a half of Economics11, pretending to listen but actually feeling like sh*t for having to endure the whole she-bang. i think my travel time and fare would be not worth that class anyway (approx 3.5 hrs of travel vs. 1.5 hrs of econ11... so not worth it!).

so instead i stayed home today. did way more important stuff like sleep, tend to my latest addiction yet again, update my blog and play slave to my playlist. i could maybe later, read some notes if i find time. :)

well another good thing about staying home is i don't get to spend my allowance. yay!

i just got news that the prof cancelled class i'm elated! :)

PS: it's weird... i think i'm liking the new mary jblige cd. although liking 2 tracks is not (too) definitive, right?


fresh produce from my latest addiction (no, not myself, you buffoon! well, maybe a little...)

i love the color combination and the contrast between the calculus notes and the stars and flowers :) maybe this is why i never did get calculus back in senior high :p

i got the inspiration from somewhere...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

doing a hundred and eighty on the runway

doing a hundred and eighty on the runway

watching Devil Wears Prada at 5am is worth losing sleep for. it was like
watching over 120 minutes of the fashion channel, only better. the ensembles
were well put together and in themselves already worth every minute. more
than the story, much of the stressful anticipation was on what Andy (Anne
Hathaway) would be wearing next and actually trying to figure out how(ever)
could anyone run in 4-inch stilletos?

there's really nothing new with the story and we might have heard of it a
hundred times but what the heck, Meryl Streep (i'm really not to keen on
spelling) delivers. Cruella deville ditches the fur, wears Prada (from head-to-toe) and turns into
the grand master of the Holy Grail of fashion, Runway magazine. and that
hair... must be worth a can of hair spray. her mere presence made my guts go
acrobatic and the finality with which she utters every statement is just
nerve-wracking. she is neither bida nor contrabida. she actually transcends the
protagonist-antagonist definition and takes it to the level of, dare i
the moral of the story: great success doesn't come free. the question is, how much are you willing to pay for it?
the devil can afford prada. beware.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


we were pretty much all bored and broke last thursday and a brilliant idea came to me, to check out the world famous manila bay sunset.

i remember our lectures on philippine tourist spots back in grade school and the postcards of the manila bay sunset displayed on racks at the bookstore and i wondered why i haven't seen that picture-perfect sunset before. and so we went to baywalk. it was just past 5:30. weather forecasts said the sun would set at about that time. we hurriedly walked to roxas blvd..

then lo and behold... we were there. it was nothing like the pictures. it's pathetic. the bay area was full of litter, plastic bags, trash and godknowswhat and the stench was horrible, so horrible that we couldn't get closer than 10 feet from the ledge. well, i tried getting closer but i was repelled by that awful smell which was like a force field which kept everyone from getting nearer. everytime a wave crashes on the ledge and droplets of seawater cross it, we would go as far as we can to avoid it. the water might have turned into an extremely corrosive chemical. who knows?

the sea was the color of the pavement we were walking on and not the deep blue that it ought to be. it was actually depressing . the sunset i went there for was nowhere in sight, probably hidden behind the clouds. even the sun didn't want to see manila bay anymore.

now i know, why baywalk is only famous at night.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

the most self-centered post ever

the most self-centered post ever

i miss: going to rock gigs at UP. it's almost july. why isn't there one yet?

i want: lots of money. more money than i need. even more money than i could imagine.

i hate: our economics professor. he's such a perv. i also hate sharon and everything she's related with.

i have: lost faith on at least one person.

i fear: growing old.

i play: with my hands when nobody's looking.

i hear: myself cursing in my mind and saying "it's all good" with my mouth.

i care: so much for a lot of things- the environment, my country, humanity. only i'm too lazy.

i smile: even when i'm not smiling at all.

i wonder: how much money i'll get if i sold one friend on ebay just to know how much he/she is worth. ebay is so cool.

i love: to think i'm different and better than everyone else. i'm not.

i think: some people hear only what they want to hear and some people hear but they don't listen.

i always: look at people inside cars on the highway and makeup stories about them in my head.

i am not: what you think i am.

i sing: a lot in the shower. honestly :) and i think i sing pretty well there. what happens out of it is beyond me.

i wish: i'd never have to worry about money again ever.

i keep: a lot of things to myself.

i can: care less if i wanted to.

i can't: resist the urge of wanting to answer posts like this.

i write: on arm chairs.

i won: something at a radio contest. i never claimed my prize.

i lost: a lot of weight since last summer.

i smell: like i always do.

i confuse: myself a lot. i am very fickle.

i need: to gain weight. get me some IV lard stat!

i should: probably take some time off and go to some place far to preserve my sanity. city life is driving me nuts.

the dead man's chest

the dead man's chest
-i am greatly reminded of Ober Da Bakod the movie (circa 90's). i therefore conclude that when you get marooned on an island, natives will eventually find you and would want to cook you. the lucky ones get hailed as gods. yes, even cannibalism is cliche.

-it builds up like a racecar, shifts gears, accelerates and midway, it just runs out of batteries.

-and what's with kiera knightley anyway?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


just when you start to have some organization and actually plan for the immediate future, classes are suspended.
actually, the class suspension yesterday was fabulous. we didn't have to sit through a whole afternoon of bore (read as: STS). plus, i really couldn't wait to get home. the rain earlier in the morning seeped into my shoes and soaked my pristine white stockings. i had to endure the wetness practically all morning. eww gross!

but another suspension?

it's just not right. despicable timing. time is precious and i had actually a day's worth of planned activities postponed. how utterly annoying!

now we have to move everything on friday which is, at least for me, not an entirely good day to work. plus, i have other stuff planned for friday. equally important stuff.

god i hate these delays.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

this has got to be the culmination of my student career. although i still do not envision a futurewith the emergency department (owing to my sluggish pace), i find it rather challenging intellectually, physically and well yes believe it or not, emotionally.

#1 at the emergency department (ED) you have to have guts of steel to endure the stench of stale air, urine, blood(and other body fluids) and godknowswhat! double masks are poor defenses. and the heat, gahd the heat, the poor ventilation... it was hoorrrribbble.

#2 after a couple of days, i was desensitized. constant gory scenes
are bound to bore you and after a while, they just get uhmmm...
really irritating.

#3 it's not really as dramatic as it is on TV. media just adds the
unnecessary hype for the effects. although there really are some
quite pseudodramatic cases like a couple brought to the ED after
stabbing each other in a heated argument (talk about brutal love...)
or a man who lost a finger and nearly lost an arm in a hacking

#4 you have to be prepared for anything. even and including death.
and what comes before and after it. you even have to be ready to
literally wait for death and accept that in fact it is inevitable
and to deal with loss and grieving of, if not your own, the family
of the departed. it is better to have flat than fake emotions.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


so much for that caring, positive nurse crap. it's definitely driving me to the edge and i'm done with it. it took me this long to realize that in fact, not all patients appreciate that. that it takes a certain level of maturity in their part, perhaps even a touch of common sense to do so. that to be overly "kind" and "caring" can be misinterpreted and abused... several times. and that this could all lead to the ultimate burnout.
the problem: as much as i want to screw the cheery, positivist b.s. and ditch all the pleasantries everytime my patient drives me nuts, my clinical instructor would pass by. not wanting to endanger my academic survival, i would (but unwillingly) swallow the urge to be monster nurse and turn into the angel that they expect us to be, sans the wings (feathers are potent allergens).
my patient is a 16 yr old egoistic, manipulative, misogynistic crybaby and i am the nurse who seriously needs an anger management therapist.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

ad absurdum

ad absurdum
malls being the Meccas of Philippine society, are perfect venues for just about anything. in fact, in the last decade, more malls have been built than hospitals. and with the desire to lure a money-spending market, malls cease to be rows of commercial stalls in an enclosed, air-conditioned space. now, malls have gardens, activity centers, fountains, playgrounds and swimming pools and even mini-churches!

because of these rather interesting addendums ergo wider market, the mall has been the place of choice for album launches, mall shows and even blood donating activities! wow. now people will be spared of the unnecessary activity of going to blood banks.

as activity centers where blood letting events are held are usually located on broad hollow spaces in the middle of the mall, you can lie down on make shift beds (what luxury!) in front of hundreds of onlookers (yes even activities as such aren't spared from onlookers) as blood is literally drained out of you along with the other muscled and tattooed (occasionally long-haired) men lying beside you. but not to worry, entertainment of highest quality is provided as talented people from your neighborhood convenience (read as:sari-sari) store serenade you with a guitar and tracks that will sure fire up the blood (oops...). it is just ingenious. Robina "snake-twin" Gokongwei is killing stiff competition with mall tycoon Henry "we've-got-it-all" Sy with this bloody attractions.

no one can tell what will happen next...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

this is not good

this is not good
i caught a whiff.
difficult courses. even more difficult teachers.
that definitely spells disaster in big, bold, red screaming letters:
now it's a head on-collision to another semester. bless our souls Lord!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

it's never too late

it's never too late for a birthday greeting


*hover cursor over hyperlink

Monday, June 05, 2006

20 utterly random facts

20 utterly random facts you need not know (but will probably read anyway) about myself:
  1. i have been supporting public transportation for nearly 8 years and counting.
  2. i am a sloth. i eat, sleep, watch TV and don't exercise.
  3. i feel/feel that i look smarter with my glasses on. :p
  4. a classmate from first yr high school christened me with my nickname egay and has actually a pseudo-logical explanation for it.
  5. and i have been called that ever since.
  6. there are actually more than 10 other nicknames derived from egay.
  7. i want to gain weight on all the right places.
  8. i secretly hope for fairer skin sometimes, nevertheless i enjoy being brown.
  9. my yahoo id is my first name spelled backwards with an underscore in between.
  10. i was a slave of the TV.
  11. i am a videoke/karaoke freak.
  12. i believe i can live on spaghetti alone.
  13. i am habitually tardy.
  14. i am secretly a fan of mandy moore.
  15. i don't like undue attention and almost all kinds of confrontation.
  16. i have and with all shame, at some point backstabbed a friend and i regret doing so .
  17. i love Burger King anything.
  18. sometimes ( well yeah, all the time!) when i don't have anything to do on the bus ride home, i eavesdrop on other peoples' conversations and based on those facts, infer what their lives must be like on my mind.
  19. once, on the bus, someone told me he was bisexual. talk about unnecessary info!
  20. i can't believe how malas i am sometimes and if i would rate myself as on a malas scale of 0 to 5, 0 being the lowest, i'd say i am a 4.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

aboard the 10 o'clock bus

aboard the 10 o' clock bus
i thrive on public transport. and as usual, i woke up extra early to meet my cousin for my last call to summer and her last call to a college degree. we agreed to catch the 10AM bus trip from cubao to pangasinan. i was basically hitching and the trip wasn't booked and everything else was all last-minute. we were practically banking on hope.

as we reached the terminal, a bus was leaving, there was no way we could catch it. not with the heavy baggage we had. the next trip to our destination was an ordinary bus. the other choice was an air-conditioned bus that leaves at 12:00. time is of the essence. in short, we had no choice but to take the friggin' ordinary bus.

yes i do live on PUVs, but i despise ordinary buses as much as i loathe ordinary buses in the city. my cousin practically dragged me up the bus and strapped me to the seat. i was fervently hoping for a 16-ton wonder, an airconditioned bus that would take me out of that heat-laden mess. 10AM is a hot time to travel and this was going to be one heck of a long hot ride to my summer vacation.

as we were the first ones to board the bus, we were seated up front. really up front. where we could see everyone who came in, came out and made a scene. i practically grew up on buses so i know for a fact that at least 1 person in the bus in the span of one and a half hours would make a scene. that makes a 2-3 person average for a 4 hour trip. and that's on a good day...

the trip that day was not quite good, but for the change of scenery, it was worth it.

let's not do that again.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

the big bad brother

the big bad wolf brother the idea of blind obedience is pretty interesting at first. taking orders from a mysterious voice talent, that has got to be something. add that to the almost certain drama of detaining emotionally driven teenagers in a house with cameras rolling 24/7. our chismis genes sense heavy gossip action here.

but when the mysterious pseudo-omnipresent/omniscient/omnipotent persona turns out to be a mean, ratings-hungry, power-tripping bastard, its a whole new different story. abhorrence begins where amusement ends.

what i actually mean is, playing a classified conversation on the in house PA system, now, that is just mean. and for said conversation to actually cause quite a stir in the PBB house and the fact that it was played for all including those not concerned to hear, well that is just plain evil. it is uncalled-for, below-the-belt and utterly evil.

and they actually have the nerve to tell me that there was a life lesson to be learned in all this. like what? tactlessness? come on! spare me the b.s. everyone knows you're in it for the rating. for a media mogul like ABS, life lessons are certainly not first of its concerns. the point is, viewers are smarter now, and they (myself included) can sense unnecessary cover-ups if there are any, to disregard that fact, ergo, assuming viewers are passive and stupid... (well, actually some are as stupid as you think), is a major crime.

this is sick.

PS: i didn't watch PBB for the past episodes and i don't think i would watch it soon if not ever. this is a vow and i swear upon the rock on which my pc stands.

PPS: and this is just one of the major atrocities of the said show.
*pic courtesy of frytz

antisocial friend

hope my antisocial friend doesn't kill me for this :)

*kudos to for the wonderful digital pics

Saturday, May 20, 2006

new template

new template
hope you like... im still adjusting to the feel. feel free to comment. and please, it's not green it's turquoise (supposed to be :p).

Friday, May 12, 2006

the results of my geekhood

the results of my geekhood
my suspicions have been confirmed i am exactly 19.52663% geek, which makes me a Geek geek.


a change of view is nice for the system once in a while...

it gives you an excuse to take a gazillion pictures of your favorite subject... yourself.

*pics courtesy of

Thursday, May 11, 2006

i'm back

i'm back
more than a tool, the internet is a way of life. and yes, as you might have guessed by now, i endured over a month sans the internet. what amazes me most is the fact that i'll still be alive after that. and i am not exagerrating. not to mention, the attempts i made to go to internet cafes got me nearly mugged.

anyway, a sort of good thing came out of not having connection for almost a month. i finally caught up with a lot of reading. it more or less kept me amused for a time. at least before i come down with the migraine. irritating.

i take NSAIDs for my migraine. sort of like maintenance drugs, only i take it just before pain kicks in and bites me then swallows me whole. the doc, asked me to watch out for signs, like preceding auras or something. but i never learned how to recognize those. well, not until it gets to like level 10 pain. by that time, my head is as an awful mess and every vein inside it goes insane. surprisingly, i don't lose it... i mean... lose it lose it.xp

migraine headaches are a tricky bunch. like an uncontrollable psychomonster that comes when it is least expected. and because i am having them more often, i thought maybe another visit to the UP Health Service is required. i got another prescription (a stronger drug), a referral to the opthalmologist and another referral to the Headache Clinic (would you believe it?). right... it is nuts.

the opthalmologists declared i have mild astigmatism and i have yet to find out from the headache experts.

house is right... you go to an eye doctor and they tell you it's an eye problem. the neurologist would likewise tell you it's something with the brain. what would happen if i go to a colon expert... for a headache? it wouldn't be so difficult to predict.

i am officially migraine girl ~xc >barf<

Sunday, March 26, 2006


so much is happening, but then, nothing is.

semester's almost ending but there's still so much loose ends to tie up. so much. too much, that i don't think the remaining days are enough. i am torn between extending the semester and ending it all together. celebration, is too soon and unfair to say the least.

well, at least i'm done with clinicals and with the other major stuff. although there's that research proposal, N117 and maybe (but most likely) N181 finals that has yet to be done, oh the horror! i'm trying not to lose hope but am having a hard time, must-have-Divine-intervention.

the frustrating fact is the scarcity of posts in this blog which have led to several episodes of manic outbursts, depressive moods and (no not constipation but) migraine. i only have a total of 5 posts for this year. after some time, it kind of gets to you. much more because this is my sole vent more like a blowhole, and perhaps videoke but the latter serves temporary relief. what this blog offers is permanent sanity, which is in greater demand yet devastatingly scarce supply.

anyway, this is just to organize my thoughts. im officially lifting my hiatus. today :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

some new post

some new post
in case you're wondering, what mischief i have been up to lately, well, there's really nothing much to say about it except that i'm juggling lot of academics and some you-know-what on the side. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


the problem with you people, is that you think everything is implied when it's clearly NOT!

Friday, February 03, 2006

visitation of the gods

visitation of the gods
well, it just came to me. nothing particularly interesting happens nowadays. i mean like something totally different. im not quite sure if that's good or not. but in a few minutes we'll be seeing the president of India (i don't know his name). he came to visit the college and everyone's prim and proper presence is required. actually the college has been preparing for weeks. and i mean really preparing. for one, the college was repainted with a peach and terracotta tinge, giving it a warmer tone now. classes in the college have been suspended today. library services are temporary unvailable. and we were required to come in base uniform and be there, seated at the auditorium at exactly 4.30 pm. bags not allowed. everyone was instructed to address mr. Indian president as "His Excellency" when the situation calls for it.
the president of India has come and will supposedly grace us in all his Indian presence. i don't know why he came to our college. we were told they're interested in our brand of nursing, that they're interested to know of our curriculum (yah, we're that good). i'm just not sure what the president has got to do with that.

anyway, i take it back. something interesting is happening today. :)

happy birthday

happy birthday
i therefore conclude, birthdays are a cruel invention. why do they have to give me one day, then afterwards send me back to the pits? when it takes approximately 24 hours to absorb the rather good feeling and the idea of you being another year older to actually sink in.

birthdays are actually a good excuse for anything. you want to shop on impulse, tell them it's your birthday. want to binge? it's your birthday. want to have a hair cut? it's your birthday. want to get drunk? it's your birthday. hangover? it's your birthday. want to throw tantrums? it's your birthday. diarrhea? it's your birthday. there's still no excuse for constipation, but for everything else it's your birthday. what could be a better excuse than that?

but no really.
in reality, people don't give a sh*t if it's your birthday. sure you temporarily earn certain privileges, but the world goes on raining on your parade.

Happy Birthday
there's a reason why "Happy Birthday" seems to be compulsary,
why every body wishes birthdays to be happy...
because they aren't in the first place.
indeed, you only wish for things you don't have.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

fake hiatus

fake hiatus
ironically, everytime i declare a hiatus, i find more opportunities to keep this posted. well, it happens with no fail. maybe hiatuses just are not my thing even if i want them to be.

anyway, you know how i have become sooo attached with Pateros (not!). it's over, finally. i'll certainly miss... aww who am i kidding? i won't miss anything. except maybe the kids who i so enjoy injecting and lovingly see cry on immunization days. oh how i'll miss them. and please, for the 2354th time, mothers, i did not and will not (God forbid) strangle your children (although i wish i did, to add truth to your countless accusations :p).

a typical scene after we administer the vaccines:
baby: (cries uncontrollably)
mother: (carries baby) sinong nag-away sa'yo? inaway ka nila? tahan na. papagalitan natin.

but they never do. i wish they did. gahd how in my head, i have rehearsed for that. no wonder why kids almost always associate nurses or doctors with pain. they are, early on, instilled with fear. even if surely, the benefits outweigh the risks.

you might think i'm a bit of a sadist, i'm not. well, a little, but i'm not. i enjoy injecting kids because i think of what kinds of diseases they'll be free from. diseases they'll never experience and only hear or know from the books they'll read later on. and the pain they'll never get to know.

as for the crying part, i don't have an excuse for that. i just enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


im going on an indefinite hiatus. (now, pretend to be sad)
because things are getting pretty toxic on this side. wish me luck and hope i'll still be alive after this. we are on our second week in Pateros, ha! three days to go... the lack of sleep, physical and mental exhaustion almost got me. almost. :)
anyway, this will be one hell of a new year. yup, i can almost taste it.
hey, before i forget:
to all the beautiful people born in January
(but because im feeling generous, i'll include the ugly ones too. hehe :p)

may we all have chocolate cake and rocky road ice cream. yum. :)